Friday, September 14, 2018



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Project Proposal


Sasip Bookshop is a part of the Sasip Institute ( which is one of the leading GCE Advanced Level Examination course providers in Sri Lanka. Sasip Bookshop is the place for where Institute students can purchase their educational materials such as textbooks, educational resources and pass papers. I have chosen this entity to propose the automated solution to deliver the work effectiveness and efficiency in their business functions. 

Existing System

Sasip Bookshop carries out the business operation manually at present and following are the functions they carry out and prevailing challenges.

Current process
Manual hand written purchase order raised to suppliers in order to procure merchandize to the shop
Real-time stock status is not available, hence facing a risk in proper understanding of the existing inventory.

Good receive note is issued against the items received that stock receiving point
The complete business functions are manages using manual forms and passed from one point of business to another creating delays and mis-management of the documents.
Invoices are maintained manually at the point of sales counters.
The stock counts are maintained in ad-hoc manner while there were incidents of data duplication and missing of essential information.
Daily reconciliation of invoices are carried out manually
Not be able to keep track of the stock-at-hand and inability to generate daily inventory reports and sales reports.

Procedure of daily invoice reconciliation of stocks, revenue management and profitability calculations are repeated several times as the information is scattered over the manual documents.


The proposed Inventory and Sales Management System is expected to the improve their work efficiency and faster by;

  • Validate all data entries to minimize data redundancy to the system.
  • Quick search facility in all merchandise and look up for all history data and trends of sales.
  • Increase efficiency by system generating purchase order note and goods received note and enable real time tallying of stock of sales and stock at hand
  • Replace all challenging manual business activities with effective and integrated system while enabling the organization to enjoy the rapid total-cost of ownership (TCO).
  • MIS report generation that fulfils the management expectations and assist in making strategic decisions with up-to-date information decisions with up-to-date information


The proposed Inventory and Sales Management System is intended to cover the following functional aspects;

v  User Management and access level controls
§  Registering new user
§  Managing user information
§  Manage user access privileges and credentials

v  Supplier/Vendor Management
§  Adding and maintaining supplier/vendor information

v  Stock Monitoring
§  Adding and maintaining stock details by assigning unique code and unit price.

v  Inventory Control
§  Manage inventory by assigning stock.
§  Controlling stock input and output.

v  Issue PO and GRN
§  Issue system generated PO and GRN.

v  MIS Report Generation
§  Generating reports for all necessary business functions and analytics for real-time decision support


  • AS-IS process and proposed business processes 

  • Design documentation including high level UML diagrams and ER diagram.

  • Executable Code.
  • Test Plan, test cases and Reports.
  • Software implementation approach 

Time Schedule and the work plan

Time Schedule


Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • Intel Core i5
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 500 GB Hard Disk Drive
  • Printer

System Requirements and tools

·         Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate

·         .net frame work 4.5
·         Tools
§   Microsoft SQL Server 2008
§   Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
§   Crystal Report 2013 

BCS PGD Project Documentation

Click here for the report

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